Clinic for Anxiety, Trauma and Health-Related Stress
Clinic Location
Poole, Dorset, BH14 9LY
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 5PM - 8PM

What We Do

We specialise in helping people overcome anxiety disorders. We also help people with  single-event trauma (PTSD) and work related stress.

Assessment and Opinion

We offer an initial meeting with both a psychiatrist and psychologist to formulate a diagnosis and agree a treatment plan. We offer clients a range of individualised treatment choices.

We can provide a second opinion assessment for people who presents with anxiety problems and discuss the most appropriate local service.

Treatment Options

We provide an integrative interventional approach consisting of psychological therapies and medication options.

Psychological Therapy

Psychological treatments are offered using a broad range of therapies. This includes a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) framework, Schema Focused Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Imagery Techniques, Exposure-Response Prevention (ERP), Eye-Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and interventions for managing work-related stress.

Psychiatric & Medical Treatment

Psychiatric and medical treatments are aimed at providing effective prescribing as an adjunct to (rather than instead of) Psychological Therapies with an emphasis on minimising long-term prescribing costs and side-effects.


Our Specialists

Dr Lilian Garcia-Roberts

Dr Lilian Garcia-Roberts

​​Consultant Chartered Psychologist

Dr Garcia-Roberts qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in Brazil and attained her Masters and Doctorate Degress (MSc & PsychD) in the UK. She trained at St.George's Medical School and the Maudsley Hospital in London and at the Beck Institute, Philadelphia, USA. She has worked as a NHS consultant psychologist since 2009.

Dr Nicus Kotze

Dr Nicus Kotze

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Kotze gained his Medical Degree in South Africa (MBChB) in 1999 and Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) in 2007. He has worked as a NHS Consultant Psychiatrist since 2010. He has an interest in medical education.